
Reverend Dr. William H. Curtis

Let Jesus Handle It

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14 (NIV)


We have a tendency to want to handle things on our own. But part of growing in faith is learning to let Jesus handle things in our lives.

The Bible tells us to not be anxious about anything but to bring everything to Him in prayer and supplication. That’s why we surrender our will to His will and trust Him enough to walk our lives by faith and not by sight.

We often have a reflexive response to the hurts, fears, and disappointments we encounter. We want to strike back. We want to protect ourselves. We want to show strength. We want to cut ties.

But when Jesus handles things in our lives, He brings a different meaning to the situation—a meaning that discloses who He is, which in turn helps us to better understand who we are. The way Jesus handles things is different. It forces us to forgive our enemies. It helps us to wait on the salvation of God. It helps us to not be impulsive and to sit back and wait for God to show His hand.

There are times when we must back up, be still, and know that God is God. When we do, He demonstrates His might and strength, He discloses His character and reveals His will, He opens a door and makes a way.

The hard times may be difficult to endure, but when we allow Jesus to handle things, we emerge from those times and realize how the Lord was synchronizing events and experiences to make us who we need to be.